Car­ol Kurtz and Steve Mudd
And here’s our Min­neso­ta Renais­sance shop!

The Delight of Light

Stained glass began for us as a hob­by, grew into a pas­sion, and blos­somed into a career. We formed Gem­i­ni Glass 36 years ago, and have con­tin­ued to learn and grow as stained glass artists ever since—honing our craft and shar­ing ideas with oth­er pro­fes­sion­als, as well as pre­sent­ing our work at street fairs, con­ven­tions, mall shows, and renais­sance festivals.

In sum­mer months of 2025, we will be exhibit­ing at the Min­neso­ta Renais­sance Fes­ti­val near Shakopee, MN. That will make year 34!

Check the Min­neso­ta Renais­sance Fes­ti­val web­site for dates, times, and tickets.

—Car­ol Kurtz and Steve Mudd

Check our our Face­book page for updates of our activ­i­ties and new products!