
Custom Work

Stained glass: Blue Dream Castle by Gemini Glass

Your Own Custom Piece

We will work with you to cre­ate the per­fect piece for your home or busi­ness. If you have a very spe­cif­ic design in mind, we can turn that design into a unique piece of stained glass art. If you are still search­ing for ideas, we can help you with sug­ges­tions and exam­ples of stained glass art, and, con­sult­ing on such aspects as theme, images, col­or and tex­ture, we can turn your dream into reality.

For cus­tom win­dows, we charge a $25 design­ing fee, and $110 per square foot. There is an addi­tion­al fee for a cus­tom wood frame (based on the size of the piece and the type and width of the wood). The only addi­tion­al fee is if your piece requires a cus­tom bev­el clus­ter (prices vary wide­ly, but we can give you a good esti­mate and show you var­i­ous options for dif­fer­ent sizes and shapes of window).

We work on our cus­tom orders from Octo­ber into ear­ly June. The sum­mer months are tak­en up with our two renais­sance fes­ti­val shows.

Stained glass: Victorian Transom by Gemini Glass
Stained glass: Beagle by Gemini Glass
Stained glass: Sportscar by Gemini Glass
Stained glass: Mandala by Gemini Glass