
Pieces for Sale

All of the pieces on this page are avail­able both at our shops and can be ordered by phone or online. Please note that when order­ing any of the pieces shown here, you are not buy­ing the spe­cif­ic piece dis­played, but a piece of that type — every piece is unique­ly hand-made.

Stained glass: Angel Collection by Gemini Glass
Angel Col­lec­tion
Stained glass: Remembrance Angel by Gemini Glass
Remem­brance Angel
Shell Circles - a slice of the sea in each one
Shell Cir­cles -
a slice of the sea in each one
Rainbow Wands with Multi-hued Fiberoptic Points
Rain­bow Wands with Mul­ti-hued
Fiberop­tic Points
Colored Glass Wands with Amethyst, Citrine and Quartz Crystals
Col­ored Glass Wands with Amethyst,
Cit­rine and Quartz Crystals
Wand Necklaces with Amethyst, Citrine, and Quartz Crystals
Wand Neck­laces with Amethyst, Cit­rine,
and Quartz Crystals
Fused Art Glass Rings by Gemini Glass
Fused Art Glass Rings
Fused Art Glass Necklaces with Modern Designs
Fused Art Glass Neck­laces
with Mod­ern Designs
Fused Art Glass Necklaces with Whimsical Designs
Fused Art Glass Neck­laces
with Whim­si­cal Designs